How the Program Works


Just like the Bounty Hunters on Television, you need to do some leg work in advance of obtaining your Bounty.

First, you need to request a "Free Trial" of our Paint Pockets® filter to prove the savings associated with our Diamond Pocket™ advantage that yields up to 80% more life than your current filter.

Simply fill out our Try a Complete Set of Filters for Free form and one of our Distributors will be contacting you to set up a test.

Prior to starting the test make sure to take a digital photo of your current filter in your spray booth like this photo to the right.

Once the test is completed successfully it is time to ask for the "Zipper" Mounting System™ pieces to set up the conversion of your booth. You can contact us at Paint Pockets to provide a CAD drawing of your booth to show how the conversion is achieved and a detailed parts list with instructions for installation. Check out this video about installing the "Zipper" Mounting System.

Once the conversion is complete, take your after photo to qualify for the conversion Bounty and fill out our Bounty Release Form.

Now simply get your two digital photographs and the Bounty Release Form to your Distributor and they will request from Paint Pockets the 50% reduction on the "Zipper" Mounting System. This Bounty is available if your have a single booth or are a large plant that has multiple booths.

Current Paint Pockets users are also eligible for the Bounty Program. Simply take a before and after digital photo of your booth and turn in the release form to qualify for the Bounty.

Don't delay, start your conversion today!


Bounty Release

Click here to download a copy of the Bounty Release Form or to upload your photos and submit the release online.


Converting from Pads to Rolls Pays HUGE Dividends!

Click here to found out how converting your booth from pads to rolls can save your company money, and how Paint Pockets® makes the process easy.


©2025 Paint Pockets Company • 915 North 43rd Avenue, Omaha, NE 68131
Phone: Toll Free 877-768-7587 • Fax: Toll Free 877-768-7588 • Email: